
Welcome all, this is my amazing web site.  I will have it running on my own server at home soon, so I will have no limit to what I can put on my site, well no illegal stuff of course.  Iam just waiting for a part that i boughtt on ebay.  I have also decided to change my site objective.  I'm done with common anime reviews to comparing Anime and Macs.  Not that I hate Anime reviews, I have some very favorite sites that I go to for anime reviews, it's just that I found myself board writing reviews for my favorite anime.  So I have decided to talk about my two favorite things:

Anime and Macs.  For those who have been with me before, I still have my original site here.


December 29, 2005

Hi, I have moved this webstie to a new host. I needed a web server to host my portfolio. So I purchased a domain name and signed up for hosting. I bought www.wareriver.com a while ago, but it was so hard to find the right hositng company. Finally a friend suggested one and they had a great service for a low price. Along with 510GB of bandwith ^_^ I thought that was a lot, check it out - www.servage.net . So here it is, please update your bookmarks and let me know of any problems. Thank you for visiting my website.

February 23, 2005

The search feature is now working. I will edit the results page to look like my site. Also, i noticed my site is listed number 2 on Google for comparing Apple and Anime. Im excited about that! And I aslo added my School Files to my Streamload Section. And updated the Digimon section a little. More to come.

My school winter break is coming soon, and i hope to work a lot more on my website, and get my portfolio site up as well. I will buy a web domain and have a forum, and soo much more., Thank you all for be patient with me.

January 21, 2005
I downloaded PCSX emulator for the mac, yes, there is an emulator that is ported from that popular windows emulator. It is in beta, but it runs Digimon world extremely well, and you can download it from my Streamload section!

January 5, 2005
Ok, just updated more of the Digimon relationship section, I will add more very soon.  I also just got my hands on Digimon season 2 video, so i will start on that season.

December 10, 2004
The Serial Experiments, Lain poor man box set is going to be released January 11th.  Its price is set at $60, but Bestbuy.com is selling it for $39.00.

October 29, 2004
I Just put up my first peice of Javascript on my site, the date, at the bottom of my page.

June 14, 2004
The search feature does not work right yet.  soon, i hope

June 7, 2004
I havent been updating the news section for  a while, i have been so busy with school and work.   Techtv and g4 have merged now.  I know that I said their will be know sad news anymore, but.  I hate the new web site, Techtv's was much better, the new one is a pain to use.  My web design teacher would have a field day with that crappy site.  The Digimon section for season 1 is done, I will put that up, even though the rest is not complete.  I just need certain picts to complete it. 

April 25, 2004
YAA, no more bad news for my site, Leo Laporte is now back on techtv.  It is amazing when I saw him on, thousands of fans were really upset and TechTV brought him back.  You can see the whole story on his website - www.leoville.com Im just happy, also they are not getting rid of X-Play. This has been a truly happy day, probaly month.

April 14, 2004
More news on the techtv and G4 merger.  I found out that even though they will merge my cable company still has a contract, so I will be able to see the channel.  However there is some sad news.  Leo Laporte has left TechTV.  Their was a contract/shares dispute with Vulcan ventures (company that owns TechTV)  A more detailed account is on his site
He has contacted Comcast and expressed his want in being part of TheScreensavers after the merger, we will just have to see what happens.  As for the other shows, Anime Unleased and X-play will also remain on the new channel, and that is all that matters to me. 

April 10, 2004
Im working on the search feature for my site, it is kind of hard, but I hope to have it working properly soon.
Im also almost complete on the Digimon section.  I want to buy my first domain name for this and my resume/bio section. My name is taken, along with any variation, I nead it to be a "professional" name and not too long.  If anyone has an idea, please email it to me, i hope I will come up with something and let everyone know it soon.

March 26, 2004
Today, I learned that Comcast has purchased TechTV  That is a great thing for them, since Techtv was struggling, says Wired News. Comcast is planning to  old Techtv, and become part of their Comcast G4 channel.  I have Charter for my cable company, and I'm worried that I will not be able to see The Screensavers, X-Play, Techlive and so on.   I also have no idea when techtv will become G4, so I'm afraid, I like TechTV.  I'm going to contact Charter about this situation, and hope that they have some sort of plan.

March 9, 2004
I just found this great legally free alternative to Adobe Photoshop. It is called Gimp.  There is a Mac version, Linux and even one for Windows.   It looks a lot like Photoshop, has layers, channels, and the same tools.  It is a little difficult to
install, but I will have very simple instructions on how to set it up, the official site has really difficult instructions, so use mine. 

March 7, 2004
I have a link to my home server, it has my shared files on it, and you can leave me a message.  It just won't be on all of the time.  Please let me know if anything is really slow, I have a really fast upload service.  ENJOY!!! 
The current shared files on it are:   Connectix VGS for MAC
                                                       Mac Gimp for MAC
                                                       X Darwin for MAC - required for Macgimp to run
                                                       More to come...

March 5, 2004
Most of my site is on my home server, I just don't have all of it running on it since I can't sleep with it on (its noisy)  When I have the time and money, Ill replace the fan.

Febuary 2, 2004
YAA, My new site and my home server is finally set up!!!! I'm really sorry to everyone for keeping you waiting, I have just been so busy.  I have changed my site from just common anime reviews to comparing Anime and Macs.  My two favorite things together on my site, YAAA!  Hope you all enjoy!!!!